Fire is something that every business should plan for. By having an emergency plan and the correct items available to detect and put out a fire you will reduce the risk of damage or personal injury. Read more

Fire is something that every business should plan for. By having an emergency plan and the correct items available to detect and put out a fire you will reduce the risk of damage or personal injury. Read more
A fire is often the most common type of emergency in the home or workplace.
The PASS method is a quick and easy way to remember how to use a fire extinguisher and put out a small fire in your workplace or home.
Pull the pin on the fire extinguisher.
Aim the hose of the fire extinguisher low down toward the base of the fire.
Squeeze the handle of the fire extinguisher to release the extinguishing agent.
Sweep the nozzle from side to side at the base of the flames until extinguished.
Fire extinguishers are made to handle only small fires. If a fire becomes too large and out of control please call emergency services.
Also remember to:
– Stay calm
– Call 000 or press alarm button if available
– Do not stop to collect personal belongings
– Follow evacuation procedures and leave building via nearest exit
– Do not use lift, exit via stairs
– Report to your assembly point
– Do not return to building until authorised to do so
If you would like more information on fire safety or fire training the please call Andrew on 1300 210 409
Christmas in Perth is a wonderful time of the year. We want you and your family to remain safe and avoid the many hazards that are present in this holiday season.
We have put together some helpful advice and tips to help you to be prepared for n emergency. Read more
We can customise signs to suit individual requirements. Call us on 1300 210 409 or request a quote
What causes the fires?
Western Australia is prone to bush fires due to the hot dry summer climate and the bush vegetation. Fires are easily started from storms, cigarette butts, broken glass and camp fires.
Is there any way to stop fires from happening?
Fire is difficult to control but can be reduced if you are prepared: Make sure your land is cleared from any loose or dry debris. Make sure you have a fire exit plan in place and that you have fire blankets and fire extinguishers within your home, Burn treatments and gels will also good to have on hand. Read more
One of the most important aspects about running your own store is to keep your staff and customers are safe. Also to make sure that your stock is protected if fire did occur.
Retail premises often can be at high risk from fire. Many causes of fire start from very small incidents such as faulty electrics, disposing of waste materials, smoking, candles or storage of stock next to appliances or heat sources.
A fire can often be smothered quickly with a fire blanket or completely extinguished by using a fire extinguisher.
All Australian retail stores by law should have a fire extinguisher available on site and easily accessible and tagged.
All Safety Products offer a wide selection of fire safety equipment for your retail premises including cafes, shops and offices.
Our products are all certified and approved by relevant Australian standards.
Products Include:
Please also browse our selection of fire safety products that are available to purchase at our online store click here
Restaurants are notorious for being a melting pot of hazards with their industrial kitchens that sport open flames, cooking oils, hot equipment and electrical connections. Fires can cause damage in the millions to restaurants across Australia each year which is why fire safety is taken so seriously by this industry and a strong focus on fire prevention is warranted.
The basics of restaurant fire safety consist of staff training, preventative measures and being prepared.
Staff training – ensure your staff are taught how to clean up grease in the kitchen, how to use a fire extinguisher, how to tidy up to avoid fire hazards and how to store flammable liquids properly. Choose a day once a month to focus on safety and hold a safety meeting with staff to discuss concerns and to review safety procedures in order to build a safety-conscious mindset in the staff. This can go a long way in helping to prevent fires.
Preventative measures – keep fire extinguishers near the restaurant kitchen in case of a fire. Wet chemical fire extinguishers are best for suppressing kitchen fires that involve grease, fats and oils that burn at extremely high temperatures, which are class A and F fires. Install an automatic fire-suppression system in the kitchen. Given that 57% of restaurant fires involve cooking equipment, this system can deliver chemicals to cover the flames and it automatically shuts down the fuel supply to nearby cooking equipment. Finally, schedule regular maintenance on electrical equipment and have your exhaust system inspected monthly for grease build-up.
Be prepared – have an emergency plan in which all of your staff are trained, to allow them to take control in the case of a fire and evacuate the building. One staff member per shift is a designated evacuation manager responsible for contacting emergency services and ensuring everyone exits the restaurant.
Your staff should also be trained in first aid and should conduct inspections of the kitchen first aid kit on a regular basis to ensure it stays up-to-date. The moderate-high risk wall mount cabinet is ideal for kitchen restaurants as it is suitable for up to 50 people in low and moderate risk workplaces. The kit is comprised of an extensive range of materials including burn treatments, trauma dressings and eye wash care.
Remember – fire safety and accident prevention is all about being aware of hazards and being prepared.
Please also browse our selection of fire safety products that are available to purchase at our online store click here
A fire extinguisher is one of those household items considered an absolute necessity but also one which you hope never to have to use. While it may remain in a corner, forgotten for years, this fire fighting device could end up one day, saving your property and even potentially, your life.
In order to understand how fire extinguishers operate, it’s essential to have a look at the basics of fire itself. Resulting from a chemical combustion reaction, fire normally occurs from a reaction between oxygen and a fuel, such as wood. This combustion reaction only happens when the fuel is heated to its ignition temperature, so this means the three factors that interact are oxygen, fuel and extreme heat. This is where fire extinguishers step in − playing the role of removing at least one of these factors so that a fire is suppressed.
So what exactly do fire extinguishers consist of?
They are robust metal cylinders containing water or a smothering material which, when you press on a lever at the top, is released under high pressure. Inside there are several mechanisms at work. For starters, in some extinguishers, a plastic siphon tube runs from the bottom of the extinguisher to the top, while a spring-mounted valve blocks the passageway from the siphon to the nozzle. At the top of the extinguisher lives a small cylinders of compressed gas and a release valve prevents the gas from escaping.
In the case of a fire, pull out the safety pin and press on the operating lever. This causes the lever to push down on a rod, which then pushes the spring-mounted valve down to open up the passage to the nozzle. The compressed gas escapes, thus asserting downward pressure on the fire-suppressant material, which will drive the material out of the nozzle with a great force.
Remember these steps:
Please also browse our selection of fire safety products that are available to purchase at our online store click here
Fire Safety for Hospitals and Health Facilities Hospitals and health facilities should be prime targets for the implementation of efficient fire safety programs since they are particularly vulnerable to the dangers of fire. This is due to the nature of their environments, where they host large numbers of people in one place. It’s essential that the staff of these facilities be trained on fire safety and know the steps to take to extinguish small fires and how to evacuate in a building fire scenario.
A fire safety program for hospitals should focus on a couple of important elements – rescue, alarm, confine and extinguish.
Rescue – this involves helping those in need to get away from the fire to an area of safety and in a hospital setting, this may mean that some people may require extra assistance such as opening doors and windows and also lifting, dragging and carrying patients who are unable to walk. People confined to beds will need a staff member to unlock the bed wheels and wheel them to safety and if necessary, a blanket drag along the floor may be the only option to evacuate patients.
Alarm – this is where a staff member is designated to call the fire department, to send out a code over the public address system and to activate a manual pull station. This must occur as soon as a fire is spotted as the first minutes of a fire can be the difference between life and death.
Confining – containing the fire involves closing doors behind the last person evacuating an area as this helps to limit the fire and the movement of heat and smoke.
Extinguish – for staff members who are trained, this is an option if the fire is small. If safe to do so, use a fire extinguisher to quell the flames while the building evacuation is underway and then ensure the staff member exits the building as well.
A designated staff member will be the fire department liaison and they will be responsible for the hospital evacuation and informing the fire crew of the location of the fire and of any missing individuals.
As is the case with most employees, health care workers do not generally have fire safety foremost in their minds as they do their daily work, however, regular education and training sessions will ensure that they are prepared should there ever be a fire emergency at their facility.
Please also browse our selection of fire safety products that are available to purchase at our online store click here
Holiday homes are a treasured commodity for people − a refuge from everyday working lives and a place to unwind and relax. And so, given the high value placed on holiday homes, it makes sense to take all the necessary steps to ensure they are protected and kept safe at all times, especially when, for example, you may live in Perth and your holiday home is located all the way in Esperance. That is why being compliant to fire regulations and keeping fire safety equipment on hand is so important.
It’s a great idea to have an emergency response plan for your holiday home which details fire escape routes from the dwelling and lists important emergency phone numbers such as police, ambulance, SES, and hospital. As well, in accordance with the Building Code of Australia, each bedroom should be fitted with a hard wired smoke detector and a fire extinguisher must be displayed in a visible location in case of a fire. As with all safety equipment, it’s essential that it is regularly maintained and in proper working order.
On your must-have list of fire safety products for your holiday home, make sure you include the following as a top priority, and note that these items are included in our Australian made fire safety kits:
Please browse our range of fire safety equipment for available for purchase at our online store click here