A fire is often the most common type of emergency in the home or workplace.
The PASS method is a quick and easy way to remember how to use a fire extinguisher and put out a small fire in your workplace or home.
Pull the pin on the fire extinguisher.
Aim the hose of the fire extinguisher low down toward the base of the fire.
Squeeze the handle of the fire extinguisher to release the extinguishing agent.
Sweep the nozzle from side to side at the base of the flames until extinguished.
Fire extinguishers are made to handle only small fires. If a fire becomes too large and out of control please call emergency services.
Also remember to:
– Stay calm
– Call 000 or press alarm button if available
– Do not stop to collect personal belongings
– Follow evacuation procedures and leave building via nearest exit
– Do not use lift, exit via stairs
– Report to your assembly point
– Do not return to building until authorised to do so
If you would like more information on fire safety or fire training the please call Andrew on 1300 210 409