Powder Fire Extinguisher ABE: identified by a white coloured strip around the top of the cylinder, suited for fighting house, boat, garage, car or caravan fires.
Type of Fire Class: A, B, C, E
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Fire Extinguishers: are red with a black coloured strip. Suitable for electrical fires Type of Fire Class: E
Wet Chemical Fire Extinguishers: are suited for Paper, textiles, wood, most plastics, rubber. Ideal for Cooking oils or fats. Red with a cream coloured strip, these fire extinguishers discharged a fine spray and suitable for fighting oil and fat fires. Type of Fire Class: A, F
Foam Fire Extinguisher: are red with a blue band. They are effective against Class A & B fires involving paper, textiles, wood, plastics, rubber, petrol, oil and paints.
Water Fire Extinguishers: all red coloured extinguisher with no coloured strip, suitable for paper, textiles, wood, plastics, rubber fires only.
Type of Fire Class: A